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Three Powerful Tips on Selecting a Book Topic that Sells

Three Powerful Tips on Selecting a Book Topic that Sells

The topic of your book or eBook counts-big time. Which would you buy-The Art of Kissing or The Art of Courtship?? The kissing book sold over 60,500 while the other sold only 17,500 copies. Before you choose your topic pay attention to your audience. What do they want and need? What will they be willing to pay for your information?

Try these three powerful tips:

1.?? Write a book your audience needs or wants. Think of a particular audience's challenge or problem then solve it with your book. People want how-tos and skills. While sex is still a top seller, people want related topics such as successful Online dating, or how to create a life partner relationship Challenges like making money and saving time still attract book buyers. Business books sell well. People need writing, reading, speaking, computing, communication, math, sales, marketing and Internet skills. Non-fiction how to books sell best. When your nonfiction books sell well, you can finance your novel.

2.? Survey your market. Brainstorm with and ask for feedback from friends and associates. Let them vote on the best ten topics, titles and subtitles, even chapter titles. Ask them what words convince them to buy the book? If they are lukewarm about your title, ask them to give you one. While some authors get their title instantly and know it's the right one, many of us need help.

When you use the synergy of more brain power, you receive so many more ideas. Don't be attached to your choices. If the title is the number one thing that sells your book, wouldn't you want the right one? Feedback always helps build a better book.

3.?? Create a winning vision for your book. Know that your book will be published. Specifically name the outcomes you will see, hear and feel. Place this winning vision in color on a card. Put it near your workstation.

Sample: Place today's date including the year at the top of your card.? Then state:? "Now that my book (title and subtitle) is finished and is a huge seller." I see---thousands buying it from my book-selling site I hear---applause from multiple audiences affirming it I feel---exhilarated, confident and pleased it's such a hit. Most writers write first, then hope someone will buy their treasure. It's always the other way around. People won't buy unless they feel your $20 or more book is worth their hard-earned money, and they won't buy unless they feel they must have your information Suit your preferred audience and sell many more books.

Judy Cullins, 20-year book and Internet Marketing Coach, Author of 10 eBooks including "Write your eBook Fast," and "How to Market your Business on the Internet," she offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, The Book Coach Says...and Business Tip of the Month at and over 140 free articles. Email her at


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